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A special read for parents of 3 and 4 year olds

The Dance of Independence
Dance class may be the 1st time children are separated from their parents.
The new place and people can be frightening at first, until the child becomes comfortable in the class.
Many children take the first few classes to watch or participate
This is normal and as long as they are learning, there is no problem!
Other children may take several weeks to get used to the class.
Though your child may feel safer with you in the room, remember that other children may be shy in your pres-
ence, so parents are encouraged to wait in the lobby if possible. (you can still see them from our lobby)
So what do you do if your child is scared?
? Explain what dance class will be like several times before coming to class.
? Watch other children in classes.
? Come early to look around the studio and to transition into the room.
? Encourage your child to teach YOU the class after they take class. They learn to appreciate dancing with and
without you.
? Make a plan with the child for you to move further away each lesson.
? Set a time for hugs and kisses before and after class.
? Let the child tell you how they could make class feel safer- a teddy to stand in for you
? Value this dance of independence for what it is!

Trust that the MWG staff are all kid loving adults and we are excited to have your child in our studio

Don’t be afraid to talk to Robyn or Jim if you have a concern. Robyn has been teaching dance for over 20 years, we have been looking after the kids in cambridge for 9 year and we have 3 of our own 🙂

Your kids will do great

call if you have questions 519 650 6533


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